"For the Love of Honey" is our way of helping animals along with you.
100% of this purchase will go to a non-profit animal organization or local cat spaying and neutering efforts. Calling all cat lovers!!!
Help us help shelter animals by purchasing this charm!
All purchases of this item (including waitlist orders) will go to:
The Cattery (www.thecatterycc.org) or be used for local spaying or neutering of local cats done at The Cattery or Beeville Veterinary Hospital.
This wonderful organization provides low cost spaying and neutering for cats AND dogs.
Believe it or not, selling one charm will pay for one neutering.
Description: Porcelain china custom set in scalloped Sterling silver settings. You will receive a single charm.
You can also add sterling Czech glass beads in the color choices at a reduced charge. You can add as many different colors as you like.
We created this china in our studio using an image from an antique postcard. Image is fired into the china just like any fine china. Permanent, waterproof. Timeless heirloom.
Size: Charm is about 1" long and about 3/4" from side to side.
We do have other pieces shown in the last pictures.
Comes boxed in our signature pink and brown.
A little bit about "For the Love of Honey": Honey, the toy poodle shown in many of our photos, was a special light in our lives. Personable, sweet, extremely smart, almost human. She would sit at my feet while I was working at the bench on jewelry pieces. Her passing has left huge holes in our hearts, especially mine. It is in her honor, we are working to help her brothers and sisters in spirit that are in shelters.
We invite you to Share!: Help us show a little "Honey Love" by sharing our cause via pinterest, facebook, blogs, and twitter. We love you for it!